Macri, Cypriot and nomadic, normally is in unemployment but now he works in London for an editor house. He undertakes an adventure to try to get the rights of publishing a Ukrainian science fiction book. Unfortunately the author is actually a soldier integrated in international troops in Afghanistan. And Macri always travels saving money.

This is the (bad) translation of a blog story that I do write in my original blog in spanish. The translation is made mostly by authomatic tranlators.


Macri thought with melancholy that the airports are always safe places, everybody feels out of danger in them; nothing to see with the new country that waits there outside threatening. Few things created more restlessness to  Macri than to arrive at the airport of a unknown city, to gather the luggage of the tape and to see himself expelled from that safe zone. In the same hall of the airports, just from the railing that always delimits the exit, the incognito begins. There are gangster taxi drivers, moneychangers, guest house of bad dot and thiefers  generally ready to ransack to the foreigner who arrives innocent, defenceless: like a chick in front of a herd of bisons.
That thought Macri, with certain apprehension, in the bus that took way to it of the main building of airport of Kabul. Jardinera, are called those buses in Spanish and nobody knows why, because they do not take flowers, but people; even so Macri remembered an old joke of stewardesses, whom says they call that them thus because they go full of cocoons. Thus it felt, like a cocoon. He was analysing the possibilities offered to him in case nobody go to gather him. He had arranged to be gathered by a French NGO dedicated to the cultural promotion. When he got the number and he called finally them to request aid to locate Boris Paton they were too much interested since the beginning. He told them that he had the order to contact with Boris, anywhere that he was destined, to offer him a publishing contract for the rights of his novel to the English. The boy of the NGO, that spoke with very obvious French accent, did not doubt a moment to it:
- OK, you can have us. If you want you can be lodged in our house in Kabul and we helped to look for it you.
- But, I have to pay something? It is that they do not give too much budget me for the trip…
- Dont worry for that reason, I believe that the best thing is to sign an agreement with you, of gratuitous attendance for that project.
- Hmmmm… and that what implies?
- Nothing, only that appears our name in the book.
- I must consult it… is that I… I am only in charge to contact with the author, they only command to me is to get his signature… the rest is a business of my boss.
- Ok, ok… I’ll send a rough draft to you of the agreement by email.
The agreement arrived to him at its head and it signed apparently it. To Macri to only it said him that he was all neat one and that it was put in contact with the French they gathered so that it in Kabul. Now it doubted if them the email would have arrived that commanded with its time of arrival.
Macri passed the passport control without problems in front of an Afghan soldier touched with a green kepis of most ridiculous. The airport was just as a hangar come to more. The passengers crowded together themselves next to the tape of luggage mixed with American young men of load with turban, soldiers, gentlemen with suits and even ragged children. A confusion.  He tried to get a passage by itself til the tape, kind to that nobody go to take hold his coat. Macri always used in its trips an old blue bed roll of sailor. It had chosen it a long time ago because he was comfortable and, although the clothes arrived always neat, gave top him a traveller look. He saw suddenly it appear in the end of the tape, closed with his padlock. He got in tension to take hold it when it arrived to him and at that same moment somebody put the hand to him in the shoulder:
-Mr. Macri Zibris? - the question, with not dissimulated French accent, came towards a young, brown and smiling girl. She had a band holding her curly hair. She had the very white skin.
- Yes, I am - Macri tried to smile, but at that same moment the bed roll was arriving at its height, so the return occurred to take hold it, leaving to the girl with the word in the mouth. The bed roll enlisted with a suitcase that went ahead, and almost drags to Macri, that encountered a cart of luggage and finished in the ground, with the bed roll raises. He watched to the French girl, smiling slightly and she bent the eyebrows. Macri was sure that she was thinking that he slight as going to gather a stupid man, so he rose as he could and he said to her:
- It is that now they let anybody come to Afghanistan. - She almost didn’t watch him and she just push his shoulder:
- We go, is that way.

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